Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Buzylo Volodymyr Ivanovych

  Doctor of technical sciences, professor of Underground Mining Department, Director of the Mining Institute, Dean of the Mining Faculty, honored educator of Ukraine, honored professor of the NMU.

  He graduated from the Institute named after Artyom in 1970 on specialty “Technology and Complex Mechanization of Underground Mining”; in 1972 he graduated from the Institute named after Artyom on specialty “Economics and Organization of Industry” (by correspondence). From 1970 till 1972 he served in the Soviet Army. Since 1973 he worked in the mine “Jubileinaya” of Mining and Chemical Combine “Pavlogradugol”. Since 1975 he was an assistant at the Department of Underground Mining. Since 1981 we was an associate professor of the department after defense of candidate dissertation. In 1997 he defended the doctorate dissertation. He is the Dean of the Mining Faculty since 2001. He was awarded with “Mining Glory” medal of the first, second, and third degree and number of honorary diplomas. He is the member of the rectorate and Academic Board of the Mining University.

  As a professor of Underground Mining Department he delivers lectures on the following disciplines: “Basics of Mining Industry”, “Technologies of Underground Mining”, “Peculiarities of Ore Mining”, “Higher Education and Bologna Process” (for masters and postgraduates); he supervises course and diploma projects.

  V.I. Buzylo is a member of two specialized boards on dissertation defense. Three candidate dissertations were defended under his supervision.

  Professor Buzylo V.I. is one of the founders of Ukrainian and Turkish scientific and educational center “Mining” which was established to ensure regularity of scientific studies, to enforce mutual methodological influence of the State higher educational establishment “National Mining University” and Turkish universities upon organization and carrying out research, development and implementation of new mining technologies and efficient use of educational and scientific potential, retraining and improving qualification in the field of mining for graduated specialists.

  Volodymyr Ivanovych is one of the initiators and organizers of the International scientific conference “School of Mining” which consolidates the efforts for economy and development of new scientific ways, good traditions, favours supporting correspondent status of miners in society. The format of School is annual international conferences with the participation of the leading specialists-miners of Ukraine, Russia, Poland etc.

  Volodymyr Buzylo and Pyotr Chaya (the Dean of the Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering of Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Sshtashitsa) founded the two-diploma program between the faculties of these higher educational establishments.

   In 2008 Volodymyr Ivanovych took part in the work of International Mining Congress being held in Krakow (Poland).

The principle areas of the research are aimed at solving scientific and technical problems of mining:

- scientific substantiation of thin coal seams;

-substantiation of boundary parameters of mining concentration while underworking contiguous coal seams;

- scientific substantiation of parameters of outworking coal pillar by chambers;

- control of stress and strain rock condition near mine workings of large diameters.


186 scientific works were published; 5 patents of inventions were received. 26 scientific articles in the famous editions were published abroad; a number of reports were made at international congresses, conferences, symposiums, and forums. Volodymyr Ivanovych is the author of five monographs and three study guides.

Main recent publications:

  1. Бузило В.И., Рахутин В.С., Сердюк В.П. Перспективы использования пневматических конструкций при ведении подземных горных работ // Польская академия наук. Школа подземной эксплуатации. – Краков, 2006.

 2. Бузило В.І., Салов В.О., Ширін Л.Н. Особливості професійної підготовки фахівців для промислового видобутку шахтного метану // Науковий вісник НГУ. – 2007. – №6.

3. Бузило В.И., Сердюк В.П., Кошка А.Г. Влияние формы забоя на энергозатраты и сортность добываемой продукции // Матер. междун. научн.-практ. конф. «Школа подземной разработки». – Д.: НГУ, 2007.

4. Бузило В.И., Черватюк В.Г., Васильєв В.Е., Ковалевская И.А. The modern aspects of the anchor fastening use in the environment of SC «Pavlogradvugilla». Всемирный горный конгресс. – Краков, 2008.

5. Бузило В.І., Бондаренко В.І., Салов В.А. Еволюція структури вищої гірничої освіти
// Науково-практичне видання «Вища школа». – К: Товариство «Знання». – 2009. – №2. – С. 65-71.

6. Бузило В.И., Савельева Т.С., Савельев В.А. Analysis Of Influence Of Intechamber Pillar Size On The Stress Condition Within Chamber Root Using Finite Element Method.
// Матер. междун. конф. «Форум горняков». – Д.: НГУ, 2009.

7. Buzilo V., Serdyuk V. & Yavorsky A. 2010. Research of influence of support resistance of the stope in the immediate roof condition, New techniques and technologies in mining. Taylor & Francis Group, London, p. 127-130.

8. Технология отработки угольных целиков камерами в условиях шахт Западного Донбасса  :  моногр./   В.И. Бузило, В.Н. Яворский, А.Г. Кошка, В.П. Сердюк, А.В. Яворский - Д.: Национальный горный университет, 2011.- 95 с.

9.  Buzilo V., Koshka O. & Yavors’kyy A. 2011 Bolt-pneumatic support for development workings with big cross-section, Technical and Geoinformational Systems in Mining. Taylor & Francis Group, London, p. 149-155.

10. Разработка сближенных угольных пластов механизированными комплексами в условиях шахт Львовско-Волынского бассейна: моногр./ В.И. Бузило, Я. М. Наливайко, А.Г. Кошка, А.В. Яворський, В.П. Сердюк, О.О. Яворська - Д.: Национальный горный университет, 2012.-132 с.



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